Pol Tarrés (27) from Barcelona, is regarded as one of the best competition trials riders in the world, frequently among the top 10 in world cups and championships. But, he’s also a notorious content creator, completing project after project, making him a true professional athlete.
Due to the current travel restrictions, he had to look no further than to a local tourist attraction to complete his latest video project: The Burriach Castle.
Tell us about the reason behind the video, Pol?
After two months of quarantining, we’re now able to leave our homes , but we can still only explore the province we’re living in. So we decided to adapt to the situation, and make the most out of the attractions our area has to offer, to do what we haven’t been able to do in so so long.

How was it to ride this spot?
It was a tough challenge due to the mental difficulties, more than the
technique, since there was a great risk of falling, and the consequences could’ve been fatal. It took a lot of mental strength to do the riding, there was no room for error.

Please tell us about the location?
Since I was a kid, I’ve visited Burriach Castle a thousand times with friends
and family. It’s a very popular hike in the area: A short 20-25 minute walk
that takes you 400 metres above sea level. The views are breathtaking. You
can feel the breeze of the sea, the beauty of the Montseny mountain, and
even on clear days, see Barcelona. The wall of the castle has always been a great attraction for me. I’ve seen the famous riders who did super
spectacular things there, and I just wanted to be like them. That’s why I’ve always wanted to ride it.

Do you have anything deep and philosophical to add in the end?
With the current situation, where we have days we’re not even able to leave
our homes, and things that’ll probably never be like before, we have
realised that the only way to feel free is to do what we love, and that is
what we will do from now on.
True story Pol!