Last ride of the day with Jack Carthy

Jack Carthy is the benchmark in comp trials, and has been so for nearly a decade (after his third place at the world cup debut in 2012, aged 15!). The three times elite 26″ world champion has recently started to frequently publish videos to his YouTube channel, and here we present his latest video, filmed at his garden setup. Bashguardian asked him a couple of questions about it, and what he has been up to during the lockdown!

First off, you put out some nice videos lately. Who films you and how do you approach video making?

– “Thanks a lot! My dad is behind the camera. We don’t do it like most others do, I train like normal, and what he catches goes in the video. I don’t do second takes for a move ever, as I am there to train.”

That’s cool! But, filming and editing takes time and focus away from the riding. Who is editing your videos?

– “I do it myself. With the app for my camera, it’s really easy. It takes me around 15 minutes on a night, and I would just be watching TV anyway, haha!”

I have trained just the same, if not harder than normal.

Haha, epic stuff! That’s enough about your videos, next question: We are living in a strange world at the moment, where sports might not feel like the most important thing in the world. But, most athletes manage to find creative ways to keep their training regimen. How is your form at the moment? Do you manage to keep on pushing despite no upcoming races on the schedule?

– “I have trained just the same, if not harder than normal. I’m enjoying riding more than I ever have, I’m obsessed with riding my bike!”

That’s probably not a surprise to most of us! You have a sick garden setup, as well as a fantastic natural spot in Shipley Glen. Did that make is easier to cope with the quarantine and general restrictions? Did you manage to keep your daily habits?

– “I’m really lucky to have those spots to ride, and I managed to ride my garden just the same as normal! Shipley Glen was closed for two weeks, but I rode a quarry just up the road from my house, so nothing changed for me. I was lucky!”

In my opinion, I don’t think anything can happen this year.

You never stop, do you? There are lots of uncertainty regarding sports event at the moment. Is there any hope for a world cup season in 2020, in your opinion?

– “In my opinion, I don’t think anything can happen this year. It would be good just to have the world championships in November, maybe with more laps, as that’s probably the only event that can be organized this year.”

That’s a good idea! Let’s see what happens. Last question: You got third at the UCI Urban Games, and got pretty pissed afterwards. Have you managed to get over it, and used it to fuel your drive to become unbeatable at the next world championship?

– “Yeah, I was annoyed that I won, and then they changed their mind. I was not mad at the event or anything, just that they changed the result! But it’s well in the past for me, a true champion can bounce back and win again! And I want to make that happen! I had a great year in 2019 besides that!”.

Editor in chief. I'm a pro trials rider and six times Norwegian champion. I've been riding for almost 20 years! I founded Bashguardian because I love this sport and I like writing. Simple as that!

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