Charlie Rolls (19) had a really good 2020 in terms of progression on the bike. We could also frequently enjoy his riding videos, with monthly training compilations being pushed out to his channel.
But, after some injuries and illness, he needed some time off the bike, which in the end extended to a month without any riding or training. When picking up the bike again, Charlie decided to take his viewers along on the journey back to full fitness, with three out of seven planned “comeback” vlogs released thus far.
[You can see the two first episodes below the interview.]
We asked Charlie to take us through the process, from being ill to being back on the bike.
“In November my training was going perfect! I was absolutely smashing it and felt unstoppable on the bike!
However, I had a few problems with my groin and shoulder at the beginning of December. This meant I had to rest a lot to recover from the injuries, which was fine! Until I got a cold that turned into Tonsillitis, which absolutely knocked me out for a good 2 weeks!
After another couple of weeks feeling weak and unfit, I started to ride my bike again. This was the start of my recent YouTube videos!
Episode 1 was my second ride back on the bike after a month off! The reason I’ve started this series is because by having a month off, my motivation has increased so much and videos/riding is the way I express that!
At the moment of writing this I am filming episode 6/7 and I’m actually feeling quite fit, which is really positive. I have definitely been getting better episode after episode!
The plan is to end the series when I’m back on form! Although I don’t really know when that is because there is always something to work on ! “